....(or go back to wedding planning, you know, samesies), the proverbial hits the fan. Yes, the reason for my absence again is due to drama. In fact, not even quite sure where to start!
- my dad had another heart attack (he really is okay this time)
- I had a health scare (I've battled cancer before and thought it was back - it's not, luckily)
- my cat got sick and cost us $1200. She's fine now which is good...not so good for our bank balance as...
- we had to get a new celebrant and our new one is much more expensive (she's absolutely wonderful though)
- I had to find a new hair and makeup artist as the one I booked was hopeless
- I'm having to deal with dial up speed on our net connection as apparently we've gone over our download limit (may have been all those Gossip Girl videos I downloaded whilst sick....)
Waa waa waa, vent over. As everything is now good, I can actually show you guys what we've done for the wedding in coming posts. Only 5 weeks to go!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
5 days ago