I have been very, very slack with my little blog. However, I've had a few very good reasons:
- I started a new job right after the Brisbane floods and had to spend a ridiculous amount of time getting the office spick and span after suffering so much damage in the floods (hence no time to blog).
- My husband and I went to Melbourne to celebrate our 6 month wedding anniversary.
- Oh yeah, I'M PREGNANT!
That's right, I'm pregnant with my first child (who we're calling Jellybean, possibly until their 21st). Unfortunately I have suffered really bad morning sickness (read: not being able to get out of bed, eat anything, or go to work. I have also ended myself in hospital for a few days) but it has all been worth it, especially when I saw the first scan of my little Jellybean yesterday. I was supposed to be almost 11 weeks pregnant but found out that from the size of my little bub, I'm only just over 9 weeks (argh, another few weeks of vomiting to go!) and Jellybean is due on 3/12/2011. Everything seems to be ok, and I just happen to be one of the lucky women who suffer morning sickness 24/7 for 12 weeks (although my doc warned me that most women who have really bad morning sickness in their first trimester usually have it all the way through their pregnancy.....way to psych me up, doc!)
I will post photos of my scan tomorrow if I'm feeling up to it :)
Hope everyone's doing well, and I can't wait to catch up with everyone's blogs after being AWOL for so long.