Reason #1 why I married my husband....

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Conversations of a marriage:

Day: Today
Time: 6:45am

Me: Argggghhhhh, hmmmmph
G: I did promise to get you coffee every morning in our vows.  What kind do you want?
Me: alskdjfasd;lkf (no really, it was like this)
G:  Roma it is.
He goes and makes me a coffee and brings it to me while I'm still sprawled across the bed.
G: I'll just leave you to drink this so you can be pleasant.

How I love this man!

Ps: I don't know how I'll survive without coffee when I get pregnant.  I may have to warn people to stay away until at LEAST 10am.  I can't promise to be pleasant until then.

5 lovely thoughts:

Sammie said...

How sweet of him!
I'm off the caffeine... Well I will have one every now and then...
I was not a pleasent person to be around when I first gave it the flick.

Jo said...

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that. I'm seriously considering sending notes home to all my students, warning their parents that I will not be pleasant first thing in the morning. The kids will have been warned! (It may get them to behave, however, so there's always a positive).

It's not even the caffeine for me - I just love coffee too much. I often have decaf so I don't have too much caffeine, but I think it's going to be too much of a temptation unless I give it up completely.

This blog may suffer.....and my poor husband may cop it!

Natalie said...

He is too kind! Mine sings me a little song in the mornings to get me up - he would be mortified that I'm telling people that.

I only have 1 coffee a day, in the morning ... I love it but I can't have more as it keeps me awake at night. So shouldn't be a problem for me if/when the time comes. Apparently you can still have a bit of coffee anyway - doesn't have to be none at all.

Does this mean you're trying, Jo??

Jo said...

Haha, I feel ripped I don't get a song! That's so cute of your husband. I don't usually have more than 2 and even then, it's usually one caffeinated and one decaf. I just adore the taste.

We're not officially trying yet but having tests. I unfortunately will probably have issues as I had lymphoma a few years ago and my treatment may have affected things. Fingers crossed! We're officially trying in 4 months if my doc says everything is fine :)

Natalie said...

The song is pretty funny ... it is basically the Partridge Family song, except it goes "Come on, get UPPY". haha

Well, good luck with the tests! Hope everything is all good. We'll probably start trying next year too. I need to find a proper, regular, nice GP first!

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