I'm having one of those weeks. You know the ones - where nothing goes right or takes 3 times as long to get right. I had a few days where it just too much and I wanted to hide under my blanket until I could do things without dropping them/making mistakes/crying/pulling my hair out.

G wanted to cheer me up (since I've had a spate of bad news lately) and suggested we do some wedding planning. Even wedding planning didn't cheer me up! Admittedly we're at the stage where there is still so much to do but we don't know where to start! I've got to decide on our table centrepieces in the next few weeks......without knowing how many tables there will be. Eek! For someone who is extremely visual, choosing something without seeing it exactly how it will be and from 3000 different angles is VERY difficult. Or maybe it's just because I'm a perfectionist. I'm sure G will go with that one.

I am such a perfectionist that I can't leave anything until I think it's perfect. It means EVERYTHING takes me forever to do. It also means I have 3000 lists laying around the house because I do not function without a List. I write things on my Lists that I have already completed, just so I can tick things off. However, I am also a perfectionist when it comes to my Lists. I have to write them neatly and in a certain order. For Lists that will take longer to complete, they have to be on pretty paper. For day-to-day ones, they just have to be written neatly in my List Notebook (yes, I have one). G writes things...sorry, scrawls things all over the page and it REALLY. ANNOYS. ME. I cannot function with these lists. In fact, they are not Lists.

This is going to be part of G's vows for our wedding:
I promise to try to write neatly, and compile usable lists. I understand how you love lists and because I love you, I will love lists.

This is going to be part of my vows:
I promise to accept your lists and try not to correct your spelling.

Compromise? I hope so!

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