Ulta 3 / NYC Color Black Satin

I have tried for ages to find a nice black polish that isn't too shiny
or too "black". Unfortunately, I'm still undecided on this one - NYC
Color's Black Satin.

Yes, it's an easy polish to work with - it glides on easily even without a base coat and doesn't stain my nails. It does, however, stain the skin around my nails (as you can probably see from the photo).

Yes, that's a blanket. I got sick of being in bed, so I'm camped out on our couch.

I'm still not decided. I think it's because that wet look, which I love with other coloured polish....just not in black. What do you guys think?

Stay tuned for more of my Ulta 3 swatches while I'm stuck at home. In fact, stay tuned for many more posts - it's giving me something to do!

Keep yourselves healthy,

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